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90-minute Massage, 75-minute Massage change

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  • Online TRE Tuesdays $60
    Work with Jill over Zoom to learn Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises to soothe your nervous system. A highly effective tool you can practice on your own. TRE changed my life!
  • Bodywork

    A mind-body fusion of myofascial release, deep tissue, cupping, gua sha, reiki, breath work, and osteopathic therapies customized to your specific needs. 
    • 30-minute Massage $45
      Targeted work focused on your problem areas in one blissful little half hour.
    • 60-minute Massage $90
      Get to your problem areas with a bit more whole-body integration in an hour.
  • Somatic Therapy

Massage Therapist: Jill Miller